Es Una Radio IP multimodo basada en AMBE3000 para DMR, D-Star y Fusion. Basado en el escudo estándar DVMEGA AMBE3000. La radio tiene un potente altavoz cerrado de 3 vatios y un amplificador acorde. Codificador rotatorio y pantalla táctil de 2,4″ para su funcionamiento. Se puede acceder al menú rápido a través de los botones del micrófono. El sistema host se basa en Nano-PI con PI-Star preinstalado.

Technical data

– Dimension 200 X 105 X 64 mm.
– Weight 0,8 Kg.
– Power supply 12 Vdc, 0,8 A.
– DVSI’s full duplexAMBE+2™ Voice coder.
– 3 Watt speaker.
– D-Star, DMR and Fusion RX and TX.
– Configuration via web interface.
– Firmware upgrade via web interface.
– Ethernet connection via cable and WIFI.
– Powder coated galvanized steel body.

Product information letter 

(Click on photo for PDF version.)


Registration of your product is required only to get access to updates. Unregistered products have full function without any restriction.

DVMEGA Cast registration server


DVMEGA Cast update server

Write SD card image

DVMEGA Cast write SD card instruction


manual DVMEGA Cast (English)

manual DVMEGA Cast (German)

manual DVMEGA-Cast-(French, older version)

manual Radio Hotspot upgrade instructions

manual AMBE Server upgrade instructions

Display source 

Source file Nextion Display

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