Raspberry-Noaa-v2 1.0.0

Raspberry-Noaa-v2 1.0.0 (Initial Release!) https://github.com/jekhokie/raspberry-noaa-v2 https://github.com/jekhokie/raspberry-noaa-v2/releases Note: This initial release removes the ISS capture functionality and Twitter post capability. This was a purposeful effort to reduce scope and help enhance…

Nuevas Versiones ANYTONE AT-D878UV II

https://www.mediaglobe.it/index.php?route=product/product&search=anytone%20878&description=true&category_id=0&sub_category=true&product_id=14129 Segun la info de mediaglobe ya estan disponibles.. por lo que no tardaran en llegar al resto de paises…. Info en el Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1798919343492370 SÓLO las nuevas radios que salen…