- ADD & Popup and DGID improvements for Treehouse systems (EUROPELINK)
- Startup DG-ID for TreeHouse Examples: 0 = Connects by default Room in EUROPELINK
- Startup DG-ID for TreeHouse: 24 = Connects by Room 24 SPAIN-LINK
- Re-Link Time: return time to the YSF & Room reflector From EUROPELINK :
- Where 0 = Off
- 1 = 1 minute
- 10 = 10 minutes
Wiki Treehouse: http://europelink.pa7lim.nl/wiki/index.html

- ADD & Popup and DGID improvements for Statistical & Dynamic DGID’s for YCS-Network:
- 1- Blank Options = Always DG-ID Default in YCS For example Spain 24
- 2- OPTIONS = MORE THAN ONE DG-ID = The DG-IDs Selected Fixed Rest On Demand….
- 3- OPTIONS = Only One DG-ID = Only The DG-ID Selected Rest ON DEMAND …
YCS224 SPAIN: http://c4fm.es/
DG-ID numbers with yellow background: DG-ID numbers that can be selected manually (if necessary) but cannot be permanently activated. Duration of the request: 10 minutes. Can be disabled immediately by sending the TX DG-ID 90
Kurt And Peter They also made changes in YCS for improvements with the DGID and PI-STAR EA7EE system YCS New Version A.12.23

- SSH expert menu fixed!!
Default Username: pi-star
Default Password: raspberry
Visitas: 24